Wild Guiding Services
Trapping Experience I have been trapping with my dad and grandfather since I was 4 years old in Norway and started to trap on my own from early on. The main species we focused on were marten and fox, but also some beaver. It was great to learn from these guys and the old methods used, homebuilt marten log traps with wood triggers and their “special bait and lure”. In the Yukon the regulations are different, and these traps cannot be used, but we use modern research based ethical methods and equipment. WildTracks Trapping Guiding Contact us for a custom made trip. WildTracks offers guided trapping from day-trips in an area surroundings Whitehorse to longer custom length trips up to 2 weeks on our concession in one of the most remote parts of Yukon. On these trips you will be able to get hands on experience on how and where to set traps, skinning, fleshing and finishing the fur for the auction. On these trips you will experience a flight into remote areas with amazing wilderness, powerful northern lights against deep dark skies and possibly see some Yukon wildlife in these stunning winter months in the Yukon. Contact us for more information. |
Hunting Experience
I have also been hunting with my dad and grandfather since I was 4 years old in Norway. As early as 9 years old, I started to go by myself. It was all about dog hunting after hare, fox and roe-deer and then my passion escalated to pretty much everything. Hunting lots of small and big game have been my life and still is. Since I came to the Yukon Territory in Canada, I have been hunting moose, caribou, sheep, goat, bears, bison and small game. For many years now, I have been working for MacMillan River Adventure as a big game hunting guide. WildTracks Hunting Guiding Contact us for more information. |
Fishing Experience Learning from my dad and grandfather since I was 2 years old in Norway, I though I was fishing on my own by 4 until I realized I was fishing hookless. By 5 years old, I was definitely catching my own brown trout in the river behind the house, which is still to this day my favourite catch. I also grew up catching perch, pike, carp type fish and later Atlantic salmon. The main fishing method was with worms, lures and spinners, and later I picked up fly, trolling and ice fishing. When I started traveling, I fished for all Salmon species and steelhead in Alaska, then for lake trout, lingcod, grayling, pike, inconnu and dolly warden in the Yukon. Fishing is such a passion that I love to discover all kinds and explore, mainly in fresh water. WildTracks Fishing Guiding Contact us for a custom made trip. WildTracks offers fishing guiding from shore, wading and also from a canoe for grayling, lake trout, lingcod and pike during day trips around Whitehorse. We also offer multi-day trips for Sockeye, Coho and Chum salmon, or ice fishing in season for lake trout, rainbow trout, grayling, rainbow trout, lingcod and pike. We take you into our favorite spots and on multi-day trips into some of our secret remote spots. Pricing for fishing guiding: